Human resources associationof treasure valley
The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is pleased to announce the January Professional Development and Networking Program "Talent Market Trends: A Review of 2022 and Considerations for 2023" presented by Alisha Hall - Market Intelligence Analyst at ManpowerGroup. 2022 is behind us, but let’s take a closer look at the trends and data from 2022 that will impact and influence 2023 and what should we consider as we make strategic decisions for success in 2023? Let’s dive in! Alisha Hall, Market Intelligence Analyst at ManpowerGroup, will help us interpret trends/data from 2022, what to consider for 2023, and how to navigate and implement in 2023.
Alisha Hall is a Global Market Intelligence Analyst specializing in translating and interpreting workforce data trends to assist companies in making the best strategic plans toward the success of their business objectives and goals.
She resides in Milwaukee, WI and holds a Bachelor of Business Administration, Human Resources Management and Services from Southern New Hampshire University. Alisha is active in her community, volunteering and actively engaged in several non-profit organizations.
Aside from her passion in Market Intelligence/Data and Human Resources, Alisha has an incredible gift in creative arts, as a published portrait photographer and former sous chef.
COST: Members $20; Non-members $35; Students $10 (includes lunch)
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The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.
Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley SHRM Chapter #0111P.O. Box 1733 Boise, ID 83701
P.O. Box 1733 Boise, ID 83701
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