WEBINAR COST: HRATV Members $10.00; Non-Members $18.00; Students $5.00.

The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is pleased to announce the January Professional Development and Networking program. Let’s get together and “Rediscover the Value of Human Connection”, presented by Julie Dresback, Director of Governance at St. Luke’s Health System.
How does our connection with others and ability to lean into our HR community, enhance and elevate those we manage/guide and those we work for/with? What is the difference our human connection and community can make when leading and strategizing solutions through our respective organizations?
Humans are inherently social beings. We rely on others to validate, support, challenge, and engage with us and social connection is a key factor for mitigating emotional distress and loneliness. These last 2 years have resulted in some seismic shifts in our social landscape –intentional isolation, fear of the unknown, “zoom fatigue”, and social distancing are all showing negative impacts on our ability to connect with others. Recent studies are starting to reveal the enormity of hardships people are experiencing including increases in loneliness, anxiety, and depression.
Julie Dresback is the Director of Governance at St. Luke’s Health System. She leads a team that is accountable for the integration and alignment of the organization’s executive and management committees. Julie also speaks regularly both locally and nationally on topics related to organizational leadership, self-awareness, and resilience.
She was born and raised in Snohomish, Washington and moved to Spokane to complete her undergraduate degree in Communications at Whitworth University. Shortly after, she moved to New Jersey where she worked at Princeton and completed her Master’s Degree in Organizational Communication and Information Studies at Rutgers University. Upon graduation she and her husband moved to Phoenix, AZ where she was given the opportunity to create a Strategic Marketing Events team at Grand Canyon University while pursuing further graduate studies in organizational leadership, organizational psychology and organizational change.
She and her husband have three very active boys (ages 6, 7, and 9). She and her family have been in Boise since 2016 and love to be outdoors floating down the Boise river, rock climbing, camping, or playing in the sprinkler on a hot day.

The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.

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