RSVP Deadline: Wednesday, September 15, 2021
WEBINAR COST: HRATV Members $10.00; Non-Members $18.00; Students $5.00. 2020 Program Cards will be accepted and include one free guest registration.
Closed captioning is available for this program.

The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is pleased to announce the September Professional Development program "Top Trends in Absence & Accommodations Management" presented by Patty Borst and Brycie Repphun. The importance of leave of absence management and ADA accommodations was reinforced during the unprecedented circumstances brought on by COVID-19.
Human resource professionals were once again tasked with understanding and navigating multiple leave laws, while guiding their workforce through the complexity.
In this presentation we will review the various elements you should consider when building a strong leave and accommodation program.
- Current Regulatory Trends. We will review recent case law to assist in staying abreast of FMLA and ADA guidance.
- COVID-19 Specific Considerations. State and/or local obligations to provide leave to employees for COVID-19 diagnosis, quarantine, vaccination, and recovery from vaccine side effects
- Designing Paid Parental and Family Leave Policy. What you should be considering when creating your own company policy.
- Leave and ADA Administration Tools and Best Practices. What you need to know about tools and vendors; SaaS, TPA’s and Disability Insurance Carriers
- Best Practices in Manager and Supervisor Training. Train managers and human resource (HR) teams to recognize employee requests for leave or accommodation and make sure they understand privacy considerations.
- Creating Clear, Compliant Employee Communications. Outline critical details of various leaves such as whether it is job-protected and if the absence is paid or unpaid.
Patty Borst
National Practice Leader, Total Absence Management
The Partners Group
Patty’s collaborative approach to working with clients to help improve business performance has been the cornerstone of her career. With more than 30 years of experience in the employee benefits field, Patty has designed and implemented Total Absence Management strategies, integrated disability programs, alternative funding arrangements, retirement plans, paid time off policies, long-term care plans, and executive benefit programs for both large international corporations and small regional employers.
Brycie Repphun
Account Executive, Total Absence Management
The Partners Group
TAM Team Leader
Brycie has spent the entirety of her career in absence and disability management. Her journey began administering FMLA leaves for one of our nation’s largest retailers, and she soon advanced to oversee an Absence and Disability Benefits program for a private financial services firm. She implemented several successful absence solutions, including harmonizing policy and practice, creating a formal ADA evaluation process, and integrating a leave management software solution. Brycie’s intimate knowledge of the challenges and successes, from the employer’s perspective, of maintaining and growing an effective absence and disability program while managing the ever-changing regulatory environment is something, she is passionate about sharing with her clients in her consulting role.

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