Human resources associationof treasure valley
RSVP Deadline: Wednesday, May 19, 2021
COST: HRATV Members $10.00; Non-Members $18.00; Students $5.00. 2020 Program Cards may be used and include one free guest registration.
Closed captioning is available for this program.
The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is pleased to announce the May Professional Development and Networking program "Talent Acquisition and Workforce Strategies in a High Growth Area" presented by Brenda Gilchrist, Founder of HR Matrix LLC. Join us for an interactive and insightful presentation from a leading expert in Talent Acquisition and Workforce approaches. We have invited a renown speaker and HR strategist, Brenda Gilchrist, to present approaches and tactics to help you analyze, develop and deploy effective talent acquisition programs.
You will learn ways to:
With over 25 years of Human Resource Management experience, Brenda Gilchrist is known as a futurist and trend setter in HR. She is an expert at leading HR departments and organizations through dynamic change. Brenda is the cofounder of HR Matrix (, an HROD practice and founder of Coach2HR (, coaching services dedicated to HR practitioners. Brenda has made numerous media appearances and has been a keynote speaker to present on various HR topics, and in the past, was interviewed for a series of HR topics on CBS Money Watch.
The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.
This program is valid for 1 PDC for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.
Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley SHRM Chapter #0111P.O. Box 1733 Boise, ID 83701
P.O. Box 1733 Boise, ID 83701
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