RSVP Deadline: Wednesday, November 18, 2020
COST: $10.00; Program Cards may be used and include one additional free guest.

The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is pleased to announce the November Professional Development and Networking program, "Grow Your Capacity to Create with Complexity" presented by Tom Hardison. The world today is increasingly complex and uncertain, challenging our way of doing things as people, leaders, teams, and organizations. We have a choice, we can react to what’s happening using our unconscious habits, or we can consciously grow our capacity to create with what’s arising.
Are you curious about how to lead with greater Presence, Courage, Clarity and Confidence? Do you want to engage those around you to Cultivate Collective Leadership to Create Better Outcomes?
In this program we’ll explore simple steps to:
- Make sense of Complexity and How it Impacts Us
- Take charge of growing our capacity to Create with Complexity
- Build Presence and Courage to Create New Possibilities and Act with Clarity and Confidence
Tom Hardison is an Executive and Team Leadership Coach and Leadership Development facilitator based in Boise. He partners with leaders and leadership teams across the U.S. to learn, grow and create within complexity.
He is trained in multiple coaching methodologies including Presence-Based® Coaching, Growth Edge Coaching and Systemic Team Coaching. He also offers change leadership development programs as a Certified Dare to Lead™Facilitator, Leadership Systems™ Facilitator, and a Real Time Strategic Change Consultant. He is a student of leadership development, change leadership and Aikido.
Tom led strategic change initiatives at Hewlett Packard for 28 years in mergers and acquisitions, business development, sales operations, marketing and supply chain, working with cross-functional teams at division, business group, and corporate levels.

This program is valid for 1 PDC for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®.
The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.