The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is pleased to announce two exciting opportunities this month. The November membership program consists of a luncheon presentation, “The Mind, Myths and Impact of Veterans” followed by an optional two-hour workshop, “Effective Veteran Hiring and Retention Hacks." The first 25 registrants for the afternoon workshop will receive an autographed copy of Mike Schindler's latest book, U.S. Veterans in the Workforce: Why the 7 Percent are America's Greatest Assets.
ADD WORKSHOP: To add the workshop to your luncheon registration, click the corresponding box on the page where your contact information/address appears. This will add the $97 fee to your invoice--if you don't see the added charge, then you are NOT registered (email us!).
WORKSHOP ONLY (no luncheon): To register for the WORKSHOP ONLY, please click here.
RSVP Deadline: Friday, November 15, 2019 before 1:00pm.

Presented by Bryan Madden and Mike Schindler
11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Cost: Members $20; Non-members $35; Students $10 (includes lunch)
Bryan and Mike will provide a general overview of today’s Veteran and military family as well as the local resources and activities taking place in and throughout the Boise / Treasure Valley area. You’ll learn:
The common profile of today’s Veteran
What some of the common myths are and the mindset of today’s veteran
How veterans compare to their civilian counterparts when it comes to employment
What challenges and impact Veterans are having in the Boise area
What you can do to leverage America’s Greatest Asset

Presented by Mike Schindler
1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Cost: $97
Mike will tackle how they land on the ideal veteran and highlight messaging, outreach, and recruitment/retention. Key Takeaways from the workshop are:
The Mind and Myths of Veterans
A major study found most employers think Veterans lack social-emotional skills. Yet, another study found the majority of employers think Veterans perform better than non-veterans. We'll address these studies as well as the top three myths around Veterans that influence company morale and profits.
How to Find the “Best-Fit” Veteran
How does one "interpret" a Veteran resume to determine whether or not that Veteran is a best-fit? A Globoforce study found 4% of Veteran new-hires left after Day 1, 22% in 45 days, and 43% after 1 year. We'll review how one company has managed to keep their Veteran hires an average of 19 years.
Three Factors to Retaining Veterans
Companies that incorporate and adopt three main principles when it comes to their Veteran hires experience improved morale and increased profits. In addition, they experience lower turnover in their Veteran hires. We'll provide the 3 factors you can incorporate in your company to experience these same outcomes.

Bryan Madden is a Program Officer at the J.A. and Kathryn Albertson Family Foundation where he oversees the community programs portfolio. This includes Mission43, a statewide initiative that supports Idaho’s post-9/11 veterans and military spouses in their transition to civilian life through the pillars of education, employment, and engagement. Bryan graduated from West Point in 2003 and has held various operations and management positions as an Army and Air Force officer. He flew the Chinook helicopter in the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment, known as the Nightstalkers, and had nine combat deployments throughout Iraq and Afghanistan.
Mike Schindler is the Founder of Operation Military Family Cares and author of Operation Military Family and U.S. Veterans in the Workplace. With over 20 years experience in both corporate and non-profit industries, Schindler is considered one of the nation's leading subject matter experts in leadership, leadership development, and Veterans transition issues. A U.S. Navy veteran, Mike is the founder and chief executive officer of Operation Military Family Cares. He is a guest writer for several national publications, The Military Wire blog and the author of two books: U.S. Veterans in the Workforce: Why the 7% are America’s Greatest Asset and Operation Military Family – which is endorsed by retired General Tommy Franks, former Commander of U.S. Central Command and retired General Peter Chiarelli, former Vice Chief of Staff U.S. Army.
The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
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