Human resources associationof treasure valley
RSVP Deadline: Monday, January 15, 2018. There will be an additional $10.00 added to the pricing above if your RSVP is not received prior to the deadline. Seating is not guaranteed without a reservation and you will be asked to wait until the registration process is complete.
The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is pleased to present the January program, ' Leading Through Change: Civil Rights Law Trends in Idaho," presented by Ben Earwicker, PhD. In this presentation by the Idaho Human Rights Commission’s Director, participants will hear updates regarding discrimination complaints in Idaho during the last year as compared with previous years. Specific bases and issues of discrimination will be discussed, as well as trends in particular areas covered by state and federal anti-discrimination laws. Participants will be presented with a number of relevant district and circuit court cases related to some of the most common areas of alleged discrimination in Idaho.
The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP.
The use of this seal confirms that this activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.
Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley SHRM Chapter #0111P.O. Box 1733 Boise, ID 83701
P.O. Box 1733 Boise, ID 83701
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