Human resources associationof treasure valley
The Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley is pleased to present the June program, "ApprenticeshipIdaho-Advancing Registered Apprenticeships as a Workforce Option," presented by John Russ, Idaho Department of Labor.
The information that will be covered includes the state’s efforts to educate employers on the advantages of using registered apprenticeships to address their workforce shortages, increase the current a future workforce needs, the process of registering an apprenticeships program within their companies, meeting all of the requirements outlined by the USDOL to meet EEO requirements, available incentives or resources available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), how apprenticeships can help your company attract and retain Veterans, and what it takes to start a single or industry related program.
John Russ is currently an Area Manager for the Idaho Department of Labor. He has served in a variety of roles during his 10 + at Labor which include, employment services, business outreach, unemployment services and most recently department lead for Apprenticeship Idaho initiative. John’s background includes recruitment, marketing and promotions and small business operations. Prior his services at the Department of Labor he served as a small business consultant, a business outreach coordinator for Goodwill Staffing Services, placement coordinator at the Women’s and Children’s Alliance and proudly served a 20 year career in the US Army.
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Human Resources Association of Treasure Valley SHRM Chapter #0111P.O. Box 1733 Boise, ID 83701
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